Children’s Dentist in Brabham

A beautiful smile is something every child deserves. Unfortunately, many children go without proper dental care, which can lead to a number of problems, including low self-esteem and self-confidence. Starting them early with proper dental care will help avoid these problems and lead them to a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Lead Your Child to Excellent Oral Health By Visiting A Children's Dentist

It is possible to develop good oral health at a very young age. However, many parents put off taking their children to the dentist because they don’t think baby teeth require proper care since they will be replaced later on, or maybe they’re worried about how their child will react.

Delaying your child’s visit to the dentist may result in dental problems that are more difficult and expensive to treat down the road. Dental visits at a young age not only keep them from experiencing severe dental pain from decayed teeth but also lead them to develop dental hygiene habits that will benefit them later in life.

Brabham Smiles is a dental practice that aims to keep your child’s smile healthy and happy. Our children’s dentist provides gentle dental treatments for children and teens. Dental visits can be scary for kids, so our dental team will do their utmost to make them feel comfortable and safe. We strive to make each visit stress-free and fun to ensure that your child has a positive experience at our clinic.

You're Just One Click Away from a
Beautiful Smile.

Your smile deserves to be as beautiful as it can be. With Brabham Smiles, you can get the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted in just one click.  We offer various services to suit your needs, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. Find out how our team can help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule an appointment today and discover the difference we can make.

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Brabham Smiles

Frequently Asked Questions About
Children's Dentists

A children’s dentist is an integral member of your child’s healthcare team. A children’s dentist undergoes additional training to familiarize themselves with children’s oral health from infancy through the teen years. This training gives them the skills and knowledge to provide the appropriate dental care for children.

A children’s dentist can help prevent dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease and recognize early signs of orthodontic problems. In addition, a children’s dentist can provide guidance on how to care for your child’s teeth at home. As your child grows, a children’s dentist can also provide preventive care such as sealants and fluoride treatments to protect their teeth. If you are searching for a qualified children’s dentist in your area, we at Brabham Smiles can help you.

Children must be brought to the dentist early and often to ensure their oral health is on track. Dentists recommended that children have their first dental visit at six months old since the first baby teeth usually erupt around this age. This allows them to assess your child’s oral development and ensure their teeth come in correctly. Additionally, the dentist can provide tips on caring for your child’s teeth and gums. Regular dental visits are essential for all children. 

If you have questions about when to bring your child in for a visit, give Brabham Smiles a call.

Some children feel anxious and fear going to the dentist. Here are a few things that you can do to help them relax during their dental appointment:

  • Play dentist. By letting your child act as a dentist or a patient, they can be familiar with dentistry positively even before they visit the dentist.
  • Avoid using dentists as a threat or a way to frighten your child. This is usually how dental anxiety begins.
  • Ensure they are not hungry when they come into the office to prevent any anxiousness caused by hunger.
  • Look for an experienced children’s dentist who will be able to put your child at ease.
  • Inform your child about the procedure before it starts so they know what to expect.

These simple tips can help your child have a positive experience at the dentist.

Cavities, whether in children or adults, are caused by bacteria. Bacteria are found in dental plaque, a sticky film that forms on teeth. The bacteria feed on sugar, and as they do, they produce acids that can damage tooth enamel. Baby teeth, also called milk teeth, are more prone to cavities than adult teeth for the following reasons.

  • Enamel in baby teeth is softer and thinner, making their teeth less resistant to tooth decay.
  • Children often consume food and drinks high in sugar.
  • Children are put to bed with a bottle of milk or juice, a constant source of sugar for bacteria.
  • Young children do not have the dexterity to clean their teeth effectively on their own.
Many people believe that baby teeth, also called primary teeth, are temporary fixtures that adult teeth will eventually replace. However, these teeth play an important role in dental health and should be cared for accordingly. Aside from playing a significant role in speech development and eating habits, baby teeth guide adult teeth in place and act as space savers for them. If a baby tooth is lost prematurely, the surrounding teeth can shift into the space, causing space and alignment problems with the permanent teeth when they come in. Therefore, it is essential to take care of baby teeth and see a dentist if there are any concerns.
Thumbsucking is common among young children. It can cause problems with tooth alignment, which is why it is important to discourage this habit as early as possible. Sometimes, a simple reminder to stop may be enough, but other children may require more intensive interventions. If your child is struggling to break the thumbsucking habit by the age of four, consider seeking professional help from a children’s dentist. They can guide your child on how to break the habit without causing undue stress. With patience and perseverance, you can help your child give up this harmful habit for good.
As a parent, you play an important role in protecting your child’s teeth. You can help prevent cavities and other dental problems by reducing the amount of sugar your child consumes. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks, and brush their teeth at least twice daily. It is also important to bring your child to the dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. During these appointments, your dentist can identify potential problems and advise on how to best care for your child’s teeth. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your child enjoys a lifetime of healthy smiles.