Learn More About Bad Breath

We all know how embarrassing it is to have bad breath. But don’t stress, Brabham Smiles is ready to help. We offer a variety of treatments to help you eliminate bad breath and regain your confidence. Our highly skilled dentists will work with you to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Get Rid of Bad Breath and Enjoy Speaking With Confidence

We’ve all had bad breath at one point or another. Maybe you woke up with it or ate something particularly pungent. While bad breath is usually nothing to worry about and will go away on its own, it can cause social anxiety and make it difficult to interact with others.

Persistent bad breath, or halitosis, has a variety of causes. Poor oral hygiene is the most common. However, bad breath sometimes indicates a more serious underlying medical condition.

The good news is that Brabham Smiles can help you overcome bad breath. We provide comprehensive dental care that includes regular check-ups, and scale and clean. We also provide treatment for underlying causes of halitosis, such as gum disease treatment, dental fillings, and tooth extractions. Our dental team can diagnose the cause of your bad breath and provide a treatment plan to eliminate the odour. Don’t let bad breath spoil your social life, take action today!

Common Causes of Bad Breath

The first step in eliminating bad breath is finding its cause. The following are some common causes of bad breath:

Dental Services that Can Address Bad Breath

Scale and Clean

One of the causes of bad breath is plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and gums. A scale and clean procedure removes plaque from teeth and gums and can help freshen your breath.

Gum Disease Treatment

Bad breath is one of the most common symptoms of gum disease. The appropriate gum disease treatment, whether it is scaling and root planing, antibiotic therapy, or oral surgery, can help improve oral health and breath smell.

Tooth Extraction

Several dental conditions can cause bad breath, including gum disease, tooth decay, and infection. Once the offending tooth is extracted, your mouth will be much cleaner and will no longer harbour bacteria that can cause bad breath

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings can help by removing and sealing off areas where bacteria can hide and cause halitosis, or bad breath. When these bacteria are sealed off, they can no longer produce the sulphur compounds that cause bad breath.

You're Just One Click Away from a
Beautiful Smile.

Your smile deserves to be as beautiful as it can be. With Brabham Smiles, you can get the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted in just one click. We offer various services to suit your needs, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. Find out how our team can help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule an appointment today and discover the difference we can make.

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Brabham Smiles

Frequently Asked Questions About
Bad Breath

Bad breath smell may vary depending on the source of the odour or the underlying cause. Ask a friend or relative to assess your mouth odour since it might be difficult for you to do it on your own. You can also test the odour by licking your wrist, letting it dry, and then smelling it. If this area of the wrist smells bad, it may indicate that you have bad breath.

You may also experience a bad taste in the mouth. You might not be able to get rid of the taste even if you brush and use mouthwash if it is the result of an underlying condition rather than trapped food particles.

There are several things you can do at home to prevent bad breath:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Use a tongue scraper or toothbrush to clean your tongue.
  • Don’t forget to floss between all your teeth each day.
  • Make sure you use an antimicrobial mouthwash every day.
  • Maintain a daily routine of cleaning anything that goes into your mouth, including dentures, retainers, and mouth guards.
  • Switch to a new toothbrush every two to three months.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist and wash away food particles.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco to help keep your mouth moist and odour-free.
  • Stay away from foods and drinks that can cause bad breath.
  • Visit your dentist every six months for a dental examination and cleaning.
Having bad breath can be embarrassing and socially isolating. It can make it challenging to form close relationships with others. Bad breath can also lower one’s self-esteem and confidence. Constantly worrying about the smell of your breath can undermine your self-esteem and limit your social interactions. In some cases, it can cause social anxiety disorder.
Bad breath can be a temporary issue or a chronic one. Chronic bad breath, or halitosis, may result from poor oral hygiene. But it may also be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as gum disease, infection, diabetes, or kidney problems. A dentist can help you determine the underlying cause of your bad breath and prescribe treatments.
Mouthwash, on its own, only temporarily eliminates bad breath. Your dentist may recommend an antibacterial mouthwash if you suffer from bad breath due to plaque build-up on your teeth. However, it must be complemented with other treatments, such as a regular scale and clean.