Dental Bridges in Brabham

When a tooth is extracted, the remaining teeth tend to move and tilt towards the space left by the extracted tooth. This causes misalignment of the teeth, making it harder to clean. This could cause dental problems that could end up costing you more in treatment down the road. Fill those gaps with natural-looking dental bridges that are easy on your budget.

Put Your Best Smile On With Our Premium Quality Dental Bridges

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. However, with missing teeth, it can be quite challenging to put your best smile on. Not only does it affect your appearance, but it can also cause problems with your bite.

Dental bridges are an excellent way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. Unlike dental implants placed in the jawbone, bridges are anchored on nearby teeth for support. This eliminates the need for surgery, making them a less invasive option. Bridges are also made to match the colour of your natural teeth, so they blend in seamlessly.

At Brabham Smiles, our dental bridges are made of high-quality materials, and our experienced team makes every effort to provide world-class dental care. When you come in for a consultation, our team will go over the different options available to you and help you choose the right treatment for your smile. We understand that everyone’s mouth is unique, and we are dedicated to providing personalised care. Ready to take your smile to the next level? Reach out to us now!

Dental Problems that Dental Bridge Can Address

Missing teeth

Dental bridges help to restore the function and beauty of your smile by filling in gaps left by missing teeth. Our modern facility offers high-quality materials designed to match the colour, shape, and size of your natural teeth.

Bite Problems

With tooth loss leaving behind gaps, you may struggle with teeth that have shifted out of alignment. Now may be the time to consider dental bridges! Our efficient dental bridges can prevent your remaining teeth from moving and tilting and causing dental problems.

You're Just One Click Away from a
Beautiful Smile.

Your smile deserves to be as beautiful as it can be. With Brabham Smiles, you can get the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted in just one click.  We offer various services to suit your needs, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. Find out how our team can help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule an appointment today and discover the difference we can make.

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Brabham Smiles

Frequently Asked Questions About
Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are an excellent way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. They are generally recommended for patients who are missing one or more teeth. The natural teeth support the prosthetic on either side of the gap, known as abutment teeth. For dental bridges to be effective, the abutment teeth must be strong and healthy. In addition, patients must have good oral hygiene habits and be free of gum disease. If you think you may be a candidate for dental bridges, talk to your dentist to see if this treatment option is right for you.

Once your dentist determines that you are a good candidate for a dental bridge, the next step is to choose the ideal type of bridge for you. Each type of bridge offers different options depending on the individual case. Let us take a look at the four common types of bridges:

Traditional Dental Bridge

A traditional dental bridge is the most commonly used type of dental bridge. As the name suggests, it uses one or more dental crowns to support a false tooth or teeth in the gap left by a missing tooth. The surrounding teeth are usually filed down to provide a better grip for the dental crowns, which are then cemented into place.
Once in place, a traditional dental bridge can provide years of trouble-free service. However, it is necessary to remember that this type of bridge requires some alteration of the surrounding teeth. As such, it is essential to consult with your dentist to ensure that a traditional dental bridge is a right option for you.

Cantilever Dental Bridge

Cantilever dental bridges are less common than other bridges, but they may be the right choice in some cases. This type of dental bridge is supported by a single anchor tooth rather than multiple teeth. Consequently, they are less stable than most bridges, so they are usually placed closer to the front of the mouth.
In line with this, cantilever bridges can cause too much strain on the anchor tooth placed at the back of the mouth, so it’s best to talk to your dentist about whether this type of bridge is suitable for you. While cantilever bridges may not be as strong as other types of bridges, they can still be an effective way to restore your smile.

Maryland Bonded Bridge

A Maryland bonded bridge is a type of dental bridge that uses a metal or porcelain framework instead of dental crowns as anchors. Instead of modifying adjacent teeth, this framework is simply attached to the back of the teeth. Essentially, Maryland bonded bridges provide a more conservative approach to bridgework and can be an ideal choice for patients looking to avoid having their healthy teeth changed.

Implant-Supported Bridge

An implant-supported bridge is a dental bridge anchored in place with dental implants. Unlike traditional bridges, implant-supported bridges do not require adjacent teeth and can be used to span large gaps with multiple missing teeth. Dental implants are also known for their strength and durability, making them an ideal option for those who want a long-lasting remedy to tooth loss. Furthermore, they can also help preserve bone density in the jaw and prevent further tooth loss.

If you’re missing one or more teeth, you may be considering dental bridges as an option to restore your smile. Dental bridges are one of the most popular ways to replace missing teeth, and they offer a wide range of benefits that can improve your quality of life. Here are some of them:

  • Restore your smile

A dental bridge is a great way to restore your smile if you’re missing one or more teeth. Not only does it improve the aesthetics of your smile, but it also helps to restore function. Dental bridges can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth, and they are supported by the natural teeth on either side. The best thing about dental bridges is that they are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. So, if you’re looking for a way to restore your smile, a dental bridge may be the right option for you.

  • Enhance your chewing ability

When you lose a tooth, it’s crucial to consider replacing it as it plays a vital role in chewing. A dental bridge is one way to replace a missing tooth and improve your chewing function. The bridge consists of an artificial tooth bonded to the surrounding teeth. This gives you a natural-looking smile and restores your ability to chew properly.

  • Improve speaking

Losing teeth can have a significant impact on your speech. Teeth play an essential role in constructing words in your mouth, and tooth loss can make it difficult to pronounce certain words or speak with clarity. However, dental bridges can help restore your ability to speak clearly and easily. In addition, bridges can help fill in any gaps in your smile, making it easier to speak confidently.

  • Maintain your natural facial structure

Missing teeth cause shrinkage of the bone in your jaw, leading to facial collapse. Dental bridges are one way to help prevent these problems. By replacing the missing tooth with an artificial one, dental bridges help maintain the natural shape of your face despite shrinkage of the bone after extraction.

  • Prevent teeth from shifting

As you lose a tooth, the teeth on either side of the empty socket begin to tilt toward the space. This is because there is nothing to support the tooth and keep it in place. A dental bridge can help prevent your teeth from shifting by filling the space left by the extracted tooth while preserving your smile and protecting your oral health.

First Appointment: Assessment, Teeth Preparation, and Temporary Bridge Placement

The initial step in the dental bridge procedure is to assess the need for restorative dental treatment to replace missing teeth and whether a dental bridge is an ideal option. The dentist will examine the mouth, teeth, gums, and jawbone to ensure that the nearby teeth are strong enough to support a dental bridge.

Following a thorough examination to determine whether you are ideal for a dental bridge, the teeth that will be used as an anchorage of your replacement teeth, also called abutment teeth, will be prepared. This involves shaping the teeth so that the bridge can be fitted. Local anaesthesia will numb the area, and your dentist will proceed to reshaping which involves removal of a small amount of enamel from the abutment teeth. Once the teeth are prepared, an impression of the teeth is taken and a temporary bridge will be placed. The temporary bridge is necessary to protect the prepared teeth while the permanent bridge is being made. It usually takes one to two weeks for the permanent bridge to be ready.

Second Appointment: Permanent Bridge Placement

After the bridge has been fabricated, the next step is to place it on your teeth. The dentist will remove the temporary crowns placed during the previous appointment. Afterwards, the abutment teeth will be cleaned and prepared for the placement of the dental bridge.

Once the abutments are cleaned, the bridge will be positioned over them and checked for fit. If everything looks good, the bridge will be securely bonded in place. Finally, any necessary adjustments will be made to ensure a comfortable and natural bite. At the end of this procedure, you will have a complete set of brand-new smile!

When you get a dental bridge, you make a long-term investment in your oral health. With proper care, most bridges will last at least five to seven years. However, some bridges with high-quality materials and expert craftsmanship can last more than 10 years.

The type of bridge you choose will also affect its lifespan. For example, traditional bridges made with porcelain fused to metal are strong and durable but may not last as long as bridges made with all-ceramic materials. Ultimately, the best way to prolong the life of your dental bridge is to practise good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. By taking good care of your teeth and gums, you can help ensure that your dental bridge lasts for many years to come.

If you’re considering getting a dental bridge, you may be wondering if it will be challenging to speak with the restoration in place. The good news is that bridges are firmly anchored to existing teeth, so they don’t move around as dentures. Because of the stability of dental bridges, one’s speech shouldn’t be affected at all by a dental bridge. 

In the same way, patients won’t have any problems eating with a dental bridge. The bridge is designed to function like natural teeth, so you don’t need to change your diet. However, taking care of your dental bridge is essential to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. To avoid damaging the bridge, avoid chewy and hard foods, and take care when drinking hot or cold beverages. If you have any concerns about eating with a dental bridge, ask our friendly dentist for advice.

Once your dental bridge has been installed, you’ll be able to enjoy a new, stunning smile. In order to keeping your new restoration in good shape for years to come, you have to follow a few simple guidelines:

Brush your teeth twice a day.
Taking care of your dental bridge is vital to keep it clean and free of plaque and tartar. Brush your teeth and your bridge twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste. This will help remove plaque and keep oral bacteria at low levels. 

Floss daily.
Flossing is one of the most vital steps you can do to care for your dental bridge. You should floss at least once a day, using gentle back and forth motions to remove plaque and bacteria between the natural teeth and under the pontic (false tooth). If food becomes trapped under your bridge, it can cause tooth decay and put you at risk of losing your restoration.

Clean underneath the bridge.
To keep your dental bridge clean and debris-free, you must brush and floss regularly. Furthermore, you should remove any particles that collect in the space between your bridge and gums. You can use floss threaders, dental picks, or interproximal brushes. If you’re unsure which product to use, ask your dentist for a recommendation. Once you’ve cleaned beneath your bridge, rinse thoroughly with water or mouthwash to remove any lingering particles.

See your dentist regularly.
Taking care of your dental bridge is vital to maintaining your oral health. You should have routine checkups with your dentist. Regular exams and cleanings help remove plaque and tartar from teeth, which can cause decay. If you have a dental bridge, these practises are even more critical. Most patients benefit from visits twice a year. However, if you are susceptible to gum disease, decay, or other dental issues, your dentist may recommend more frequent appointments.

Many people wonder whether or not their health insurance will cover the cost of dental bridges. The answer to this question depends on a few factors, including the type of insurance you have and the specifics of your dental plan. However, in most cases, at least a portion of the cost of a dental bridge will be covered by insurance.

It’s important to keep in mind that dental bridges are considered preventive care, which means they may be subject to a higher deductible than other types of dental work. If you’re unsure whether your insurance will cover the cost of a dental bridge, your best bet is to contact your insurance company for more information.